Space Tommy Sergeant
Needs a bit of basing this fellow. Quickly painted up 40 of the Warzone plastic Imperials last weekend. Painted up for a game of Space Fag at the club. I won. Does that make me a loser, also?
- Tamiya Spray Red Brown (Red Leather?) as undercoat and base coat
- Various Vallejo browns in use (top tip: don't bother if using dip as final coat before dullcoating).
- Snakebite Leather on the trim of the knees.
- Privateer Press Bloodstone on the bolt-gun knock off.
- Vallejo Steel overbrushed on the metals.
- Mecharium Red on the shoulder pad
- Russian uniform green on the other.
- Army Painter strong tone (middle strength) over the top.
- Dullcote