Sunday, May 6, 2012

Modular dungeon

Here are some bar room fight scenes played out in a Dungeons and Dragons game set in the Thunderspire Labyrinth last year.  I built the terrain from Hirst Arts fieldstone moulds, stained with tea (bags, not loose) and glued together in sections allowing for a modular set up.

The furnishings are mainly Hirts Arts and handmade, the cards on the table being made from slivers of matchstick and painted after being glued down.

The miniatures used are a combination of Grenadier plastic Fantasy Warriors orcs (now sold by EM-4), out of production pre-painted plastic D&D miniatures from Wizards of the Coast.  I think that a mate used a Asmodee Editions HellDorado figure.  The red counters are meant to represent areas of the underground tavern that are on fire.  I've since picked up some Gale Force 9 3d fire tokens which look a lot better.

Tavern in the Thunderspire Labyrinth

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